How do you feel after these 2 intensive days of CHO training?
How do I feel… a bit tired (laughs) because we are storing up a lot of information that disrupts what we are used to hear. The training gives new insights about many things like for example our needs and drivers at work.
What are your main takeaways?
I am now deeply convinced that happiness at work is a fundamental ingredient in leadership and I’m working on an action plan on how to integrate all the training content into my work. A real job is ahead of me in order to communicate, to bring meaning so that everyone can benefit from it.
After this training, what are your commitments to drive positive change in your workplace?
First, I will make a presentation for HR and the Direction. It makes sense that we understand the impact of happiness at work, that it’s not just empty words. We have a responsibility to create a safe work environment, physical and emotional and we do that thanks to small adjustments. It’s an ongoing process that we are starting little by little. Those small progresses are very important to me and to the organization.
The training gives real meaning to the impact of happiness at work.
It is not just empty words…
– Katia Raleff